The Light Drama
Person 1
Person 2
Person 3
Stage Setting
Empty stage with one large spot light off to the far left of the stage. Pl, P2 and P3 all stand in a line facing the right of the stage and with their sides to the audience. P2 and P3 stand with their arms crossed, looking rebellious and stubborn.

Person 1:
Feels something and turns slowly, carefully and sceptically towards the light.
WOW!!! (Amazed, joyful and excited, Pl turns to P2) Hey, look at this!!
Person 2:
No way. (Shaking his head rebelliously)
Person 1:
No, seriously, turn around and just take a look at this.
Person 2:
No, I like what I'm seeing here.
Person 1:
But that's just darkness!
Person 2:
Yes, but I'm comfortable with it.
Person 1:
But ... this is BEAUTIFUL! (Express deep joy)
Person 2:
What are you? Some kind of fanatic?
Person 1:
You should really turn around, man.
Person 2:
Are you judging me? You're judging me, aren't you?
Person 1:
But this is LIGHT.
Person 2:
I know, I can see the reflection.
Person 1:
This is incredible. Everyone should see this!
Person 2:
Hey, I like what I have here. I accept what you've got - just accept what I've got. Got it? (Angry)
Person 1:
But this is IT! What you've got is NOTHING!
Person 2:
NOTHING? (Shouts this indignantly)
Person 1:
I've got to get closer. (Moves closer and closer, leaving the others)
Person 2:
You arrogant hypocrite ... (Angry) How can he say I've got nothing? Why - I've looked in this direction for over forty years ... FORTY YEARS. (Pauses, thinking) You'd think that after forty years I should have seen SOMETHING! Maybe I should take a look ... but what if it's not what I hope it is? What if I'm disappointed? Maybe just a peek wouldn't hurt. (Turns his head towards the light but then quickly back - scared) ... FORTY YEARS (Puts his hand to his head in a thinking, seeking gesture) But at least this way I can have all this ... (stops abruptly) NOTHING! (Loud) (Turns around to face the light) WOW!!! (Shows amazement and joy) Why did I wait so long?
Person 2:
(Taps Person 3 on the shoulder.) Hey, take a look at this!! (Pointing to the light)
Person 3:
No way! I like what I have here.
Person 1:
Moves closer to the light